photo by Sarah Stirk
"When the Breath wanders, the mind is also unsteady. But when the Breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the Yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to calm the Breath." Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Class dates & prices
Pregnancy yoga
The pregnancy yoga classes are on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings. They are suitable from the 12 week check up onwards. We practise yoga, followed by 10 minutes of deep relaxation and 20 minutes of group discussion.
Mondays 19.00-20.30
£16 per in-person class - drop in
£70 for 5 x drop-in classes (£14 each)
Classes start on January 6th 2025
St Stephen's Church
St Stephen's Road
West Ealing
W13 8HB
Please note: St Stephen's Church is the single storey 1980s building on the corner of the roundabout
St Stephen's Road
West Ealing
W13 8HB
Please note: St Stephen's Church is the single storey 1980s building on the corner of the roundabout
Tuesdays 10.15-11.45 (pregnancy) @triyoga Ealing
£18 drop in, or cheaper if you buy several classes. See Triyoga for details, and to book
Every Tuesday throughout 2023
Triyoga Ealing
Dickens Yard
Longfield Avenue
W5 2UQ
Dickens Yard
Longfield Avenue
W5 2UQ